Fake Round Bridge Which is Not Fake

Image from Flickr is by Satoshi KAYA
- Hiyoshi dam roundabout bridge - Post in Google Earth Community by Mapmaniac and
- http://tabikappa.blog55.fc2.com (In Japanese) (English translation)
This blog is about the lesser known but beautiful, wonderful, huge, unique and sometimes bizarre places around the World. Started on January 1, 2009, it is an outcome of my association with Google Earth Community, which I joined in July 2006. Since then I have been regularly flying to almost all the corners of WWW (Whole Wide World) and have virtually adopted the age old motto - Perfect time to see the World is after retirement.
Google Earth Community Forum is full of information which ranges from, but not limited to; history, geography, nature, environment, architecture, military, transportation, beliefs, festivals, huge, unique, bizarre items, current happenings etc etc.
My favourite section in the Community is "Fun and Games" - in which members post riddles and puzzles on almost all subjects and generally give hints for searching and locating the relevant places and or events on Google Earth. I have made several hundred posts in this forum and must have solved about the same number, though several were beyond my grasp. Believe me it is not easy to solve these riddles - Finding the answer is 90% perspiration (research) and 10% inspiration but it is pure 100% joy and sense of exhilaration.
This forum provides a stimulus to my brain and keeps it active. I strongly recommend this for those who have time and penchant for solving puzzles, but a word of warning – it is highly addictive.
My travels around the World are not limited to Fun and Games only, however many of the places being covered in this travelogue were found as a result of my researches for making posts in Fun and Games or trying to solve the riddles given therein.
The Original Google Earth Community was frozen by Google in April 2015 and finally killed in April 2019. However the dedicated moderators of the defunct Original GEC created a new Board for the GEC enthusiasts and the new Community is known as "Google Earth Community Forums". This new community continues to function as the old GEC but is independent of google.com
This travelogue is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google.
Photos provided by Flickr / Panoramio / Pbase / Picasaweb / Photobucket / Wikimedia Commons etc. are under the copyright of their owners.
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hello looking forward to come to india.
this is a really pointless bridge because it goes round and round why cant they make it more interesting like the shape of a flower or something.thanks for posting the bridge
Hello Ayaan - looking forward to your visit.
This bridge is for fun, specially for children who love to run in circles playing catch me if you can!
Hi Tom
I am surprised that in spite of overwhelming proof I have given in my post you still call it "Fake!!!!!"
Even if we assume that all the images by different persons from different source are fake, but to assume that Google have also faked the map is preposterous.
I am sure readers of this blog will definitely be interested to know the basis of your statement.
What is the purpose of designing a round bridge like that? Come to think of it, the designer is not an idiot to choose the design for JUST the aesthetics. There's gotta be some functionality... I'm impressed anyways.
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