Change of perspective due to high altitude imagery presents a totally different view of the terrain/buildings. When seen from above, even the famous and well known landmarks, cannot be easily recognised. However with practice one can make out the shape and identify most of the buildings.
Starting from today, every 2nd/3rd day I will post a Google Earth view of some World famous building/landmark for the readers to guess what it is. Depending on the response I may from time to time give hints for easy identification.
Here is the first and an easy one;

Guess what it is and send your answer through the comments link given below or to the E-mail ID given in the right hand column.
Correct answer and name and country of correct identifier(s) will be posted along with next ‘Can you recognise this?’ post. You may give your real name or pseudo name as you wish, but I would request that you atleast indicate the country. Thanks
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Screen captured images from Google Earth / Google Maps and Street Views / MSN Bing Aerial Views / Yandex Maps etc. are under the copyright of their respective owners.
Similarly all other photos/images from various other sources are under the copyright of their respective owners, web portals/application etc from which these were obtained. Wherever possible due acknowledgement has been made about the source.
Actual terms of copyright/reuse is available in the source link given below each image.