Image from Flickr is by Kirk Sian

Image from Panoramio is by Kamwise Miao

Image from Panoramio is by Kamwise Miao
This green looking building houses the School of Art, Design and Media of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The green roof not only merges with the landscape but also insulates the building and has provision to collect sufficient rainwater to cater for its own irrigation need. In addition the glass walls provide natural light to the class rooms and studios thus saving considerably on energy consumption.
It is truly a green building in the modern day ecological sense.
As per the CPG Consultants who designed the building;
…… the site where the Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design and Media (NTU-ADM) sits is a wooded valley which was supposed to be left as a green lung. In order to keep to the original intention of the master plan, the architect carved a habitat from the constraints of the valley and allowed the landscape to play a critical role in moulding the building. NTU-ADM is the creation of a “non-building”, allowing the original greenery of the site to creep and colonise."
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